Booking services and ordering products
Don’t have an SRM or a booking system for service requests or an online store for your products? No problem. No more simple and endlessly long forms with drop-down menus! Give customers the ability to select more than one product for their shopping cart from one place, and the chatbot will check each time for product availability in its database. Let booking an appointment for a service be always at hand and a few clicks away in your chatbot, and the digital assistant will reflect each booked appointment in your calendar on the platform and check each time for availability of the service before offering an appointment on the selected day.
You can now create product and service menus from one place in your chatbot account, have a separate service menu with a calendar for each employee, and manage service bookings and product orders! Share a link or QR code to the dynamic booking form in your chatbot and make it easy for your customers to make requests.
🤖 Demo services 🤖 Demo products
What does the module contain?
- Create categories & menus
- Services and service menus
- Products and product menus
- Dynamic booking forms in the chatbot that communicate with the created menus “live”
- Calendar for requested services
- Manage requested services
- Order Management
- Order or reservation email notification (optional)
SMS notification to the team for order or booking (option)
🤖 Demo services 🤖 Demo products
What do your customers see?
Dynamic ordering form with shopping cart:
- Product category selection
- Product subcategory selection
- Product selection with cart preview
- Fill in the order details (name, phone, email, comment)
** Within one order the user can place an order for products from different categories and subcategories
Dynamic booking form for service reservation:
- Selection of service category
- Selection of subcategory service
- Selection of service
- Selecting a date for the service
- Selection of available time
- Filling in reservation details (name, phone, email, comment)
🤖 Demo services 🤖 Demo products
Module management
Create product and service categories and menus, view and manage product orders (Orders), view and manage service bookings in the bookings calendar: all from one place in the UmniBooking System in your chatbot account – easy and without technical knowledge and skills!
In the service bookings calendar you can:
- view a specific booking
- change a booking
- recognize a service type by its color
- block a period when no services are available
In the Order booking tab you can:
- view new orders pending (Pending)
- make a change to an order
- mark an order as processed
- view all processed orders (Completed)
- copy, print, and extract orders to xls
Customers have other questions? The AI chatbot will take care of them too, instantly and 24/7!
Work smart!
Automate requests, orders and FAQs with AI chatbot and spend the time saved on growing your business.
🤖 Request a Demo
With Umni, the first steps in creating an AI chatbot are quick and easy. We will show you how! See the demo and contact us.