In the Bulgarian National Radio, on Radio Sofia, in the morning show “Radio Cafe” the topic of the morning conversation with the Umni team was artificial intelligence, and is there any reason to be afraid of it. We thank Maria Boyadzhieva for the invitation to air.
The radio released a poll to the listeners on the subject before the broadcast. It impressed us on the one hand how reasonable and positive people think, and on the other hand how they do not know what artificial intelligence is. It seems that listeners equate AI with a robot, with a machine made of metal, plastic, and silicone, with wires and chips. They probably didn’t realize that when the email box clears spam automatically, AI works there, when they read the newsfeed on their favorite social media, it’s prepared by AI, when they search for something in a global search engine – and there the result comes from AI.
Our team talked about the AI chatbots. Once again, statistics were quoted from IBM that during a standard 6-minute conversation between staff and a customer, 75% of the time is spent performing routine tasks or answering routine questions, and only 25% are genuine communication. The digital assistant or in other words the AI chatbot works around the clock, responds instantly, can work with hundreds of clients simultaneously and in more than 1 language. AI allows constant training of the assistant to understand more and more client issues. This has a positive effect not only on customer service but also on the work of staff because it frees them from routine and annoying questions and tasks.